Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2.43.




hitva  kalevaram  tirthe

gangayam  darsanad  anu

sadyah  svarupam  jagrhe


hitva  =  giving up;

kalevaram  =  the material body;

tirthe  =  in the holy place;

gangayam  =  on the bank of the Holy River Gangadevi ( Mother-Gangadevi);

darsanat anu  =  after seeing;

sadyah  =  immediately;

sva-rupam  =  his original spiritual form;

jagrhe  =  he assumed;

bhagavat-parsva-vartinam  =  which is fit for an associate of the Lord.

Upon seeing the Vishnudutas, Ajamila gave up his material body at Hardwar on the bank of the Ganges. He regained his original spiritual body, which was a body appropriate for an associate of the Lord.

The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita

(Chapter-4. Slokam-9.):

janma   karma   ca   me   divyamevam   yo  vetthi  tattvatah,

tyaktva   deham   punarjanma  naiti   mameti   sorjuna.

“One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.”

The result of perfection in the seeker is that after giving up one’s material body, one is immediately transferred to the spiritual world in one’s original spiritual body to become an associate of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

To be continued  ...


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