Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2.39.
Slokam- 39.
iti jata-sunirvedah
kshana-samgena sadhushu
ganga-dvaram upeyaya
iti = thus;
jata-sunirvedah = (Ajamila) who had become detached from the material conception of life;
kshana-samgena = by a moment’s association;
sadhushu = with devotees;
ganga-dvaram = to Hardwar (hari-dvara), the doorway to Hari (because the Ganges begins there, Hardwar is also called ganga-dvara;
upeyaya = went;
mukta = being freed from;
sarva-anubandhanah = all kinds of material bondage.
Because of a moment’s association with devotees [the Vishnudutas], Ajamila detached himself from the material conception of life with determination. Thus freed from all material attraction, he immediately started for Hardwar.
To be continued ...
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