
Showing posts from February, 2015

Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2.40.

Skandham-6. Chapter-2. Slokam-40. sa tasmin deva-sadana asino yogam asthitah pratyahrtendriya-gramo yuyoja mana atmani. sah  =  he (Ajamila); tasmin  =  at that place (Hardwar); deva-sadane  =  in one Vishnu temple; asinah  =  being situated; yogam asthitah  =  performed bhakti-yoga; pratyahrta  =  withdrawn from all activities of sense gratification; indriya-gramah  =  his senses; yuyoja  =  he fixed; manah  =  the mind; atmani  =  on the self or the Supersoul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In Hardwar, Ajamila took shelter at a Vishnu temple, where he executed the process of bhakti-yoga. He controlled his senses and fully applied his mind in the service of the Lord. The devotees who have  Lord's consciousness  may live comfortably in our many temples and engage in the devotional service of the Lord. Thus they can contro...

Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2.39.

Skandham-6. Chapter-2. Slokam- 39. iti jata-sunirvedah kshana-samgena sadhushu ganga-dvaram upeyaya mukta-sarvanubandhanah. iti  =  thus; jata-sunirvedah  =  (Ajamila) who had become detached from the material conception of life; kshana-samgena  =  by a moment’s association; sadhushu  =  with devotees; ganga-dvaram  =  to Hardwar (hari-dvara), the doorway to Hari (because the Ganges begins there, Hardwar is also called ganga-dvara; upeyaya  =  went; mukta  =  being freed from; sarva-anubandhanah  =  all kinds of material bondage. Because of a moment’s association with devotees [the Vishnudutas], Ajamila detached himself from the material conception of life with determination. Thus freed from all material attraction, he immediately started for Hardwar. To be continued  ...

Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2.38.

Skandham-6. Chapter-2. Slokam-s. 38. mamaham  iti  dehadau  hitvamithyartha-dhir  matim, dhasye  mano  bhagavati  suddham  tat-kirtanadibhih. mama = my; aham = I; iti = thus; deha-adau = in the body and things related to the body; hitva = giving up; amithya = not false; artha = on values; dhih = with my consciousness; matim = the attitude; dhasye = I shall engage; manah = my mind; bhagavati = on the Supreme Personality of Godhead; suddham = pure; tat = His name; kirtana-adibhih = by chanting, hearing and so on. Simply because I chanted the holy name of the Lord in the association of devotees, my heart is now becoming purified. Therefore I shall not fall victim again to the false lures of material sense gratification. Now that I have become fixed in the Absolute Truth, henceforward I shall not identify myself with the body. I shall give up false conceptions of “I” and “mine” and fix my mind on th...

Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2.36 &37..

Skandham-6. Chapter-2. Slokam-s. 36 & 37. (36) vimucya tam imam bandham avidya-kama-karmajam sarva-bhuta-suhrc chanto maitrah karuna atmavan. (37) mocaye grastam atmanam yosin-mayyatma-mayaya vikridito yayaivaham krida-mrga ivadhamah. vimucya = having become free from; tam = that; imam = this; bandham = bondage; avidya = due to ignorance; kama = due to lusty desire; karma-jam = caused by activities; sarva-bhuta = of all living entities; suhrt = friend; santah = very peaceful; maitrah = friendly; karunah = merciful; atma-van = self-realized; mocaye = I shall disentangle; grastam = encaged; atmanam =my soul; yosit-mayya = in the form of woman; atma-mayaya = by the illusory energy of the Lord; vikriditah = played with; yaya = by which; eva = certainly; aham = I; krida-mrgah = a controlled animal; iva = like; adhamah = so fallen. Because of identifying oneself with the body, one is...

Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2.35.

Skandham-6. Chapter-2. Slokam-35. soham tatha  yatishyami yata-cittendriyanilah, yatha na bhuya atmanam andhe tamasi majjaye. sah = such a person; aham = I; tatha = in that way; yatishyami = I shall endeavor; yata-citta-indriya = controlling the mind and senses; anilah = and the internal airs; yatha = so that; na = not; bhuyah = again; atmanam = my soul; andhe = in darkness; tamasi = in ignorance; majjaye = I drown. I am such a sinful person, but since I have now gotten this opportunity, I must completely control my mind, life and senses and always engage in devotional service so that I may not fall again into the deep darkness and ignorance of material life. Every one of us should have this determination. We have been elevated to an exalted position by the mercy of Krishna and the spiritual master, and if we remember that this is a great opportunity and pray to Krishna that we will not fall again, our lives will be successful...

Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2.34.

Skandham-6. Chapter-2. Slokam-34. kva caham kitavah papo brahma-ghno nirapatrapah, kva ca narayanety etad bhagavan-nama mangalam. kva = where; ca = also; aham = I; kitavah = a cheater; papah = all sins personified; brahma-ghnah = the killer of my brahminical culture; nirapatrapah = shameless; kva = where; ca = also; narayana = Narayana; iti = thus; etat = this; bhagavat-nama = the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead;  mangalam = all-auspicious. Ajamila continued: I am a shameless cheater who has killed his brahminical culture. Indeed, I am sin personified. Where am I in comparison to the all-auspicious chanting of the holy name of Lord Narayana? Those engaged in broadcasting the holy name of Narayana, Krishna, through the Krishna consciousness movement should always consider what our position was before we came and what it is now. We had fallen into abominable lives as meat-eaters, drunkards and woman hunters wh...

Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2.33.

Skandham-6. Chapter-2. Slokam-33. anyatha mriyamanasya  nasucer vrsali-pateh, vaikuntha-nama-grahanam  jihva vaktum iharhati. anyatha  =  otherwise; mriyamanasya  =  of a person who is just ready for death; na  =  not; asuceh  =  most unclean; vrsali-pateh  =  the keeper of a prostitute; vaikuntha  =  of the Lord of Vaikuṇṭha; nama-grahanam  =  the chanting of the holy name; jihva  =  the tongue; vaktum  =  to speak; iha  =  in this situation; arhati  =  is able. Were it not for my past devotional service, how could I, a most unclean keeper of a prostitute, have gotten an opportunity to chant the holy name of Vaikuntapati when I was just ready to die? Certainly it could not have been possible. The name Vaikuntapati, which means “the master of the spiritual world,” is not different from the name Vaikuntam. Ajamila, wh...

Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2.32.

Skandham-6. Chapter-2. Slokam-32. athapi me durbhagasya vibudhottama-darsane, bhavitavyam mangalena yenatma me prasidati. atha  =  therefore; api  =  although; me  =  of me; durbhagasya  =  so unfortunate; vibudha-uttama  =  exalted devotees; darsane  =  because of seeing; bhavitavyam  =  there must be; mangalena  =  auspicious activities; yena  =  by which; atma  =  self; me  =  my; prasidati  =  actually becomes happy. I am certainly most abominable and unfortunate to have merged in an ocean of sinful activities, but nevertheless, because of my previous spiritual activities, I could see those four exalted personalities who came to rescue me. Now I feel exceedingly happy because of their visit. “Association with devotees is recommended by all the sastras because by even a moment of such association one can r...

Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2,31.

Skandham-6. Chapter-2. Slokam-31. atha  te  kva  gatah  siddhas  catvaras  caru-darsanah vyamocayan  niyamanam  baddhva  pasair  adho  bhuvah atha  =  thereafter; te  =  those persons; kva  =  where; gatah  =  went; siddhah  =  liberated; catvarah  =  four personalities; caru-darsanah  =  extremely beautiful to see; vyamocayan  =  they released; niyamanam  =  me, who was being carried away; baddhva  =  being arrested; pasaih  =  by ropes; adhah bhuvah  =  downward to the hellish region. And where have those four liberated and very beautiful persons gone who released me from arrest and saved me from being dragged down to the hellish regions? As we have learned from the descriptions in the Fifth skandham, the naraka-lokam (hellish planets ) are situated in t...

Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2.30.

Skandham-6. Chapter-2. Slokam-30. kim  idam  svapna  aho  svit  sakshad  drshtam  ihadbhutam, kva  yata  adya  te  ye  mam   vyakarshan pasa-panayah. kim  =  whether; idam  =  this; svapne  =  in a dream; aho svit  =  or; sakshat  =  directly; drshtam  =  seen; iha  =  here; adbhutam  =  wonderful; kva  =  where; yatah  =  have gone; adya  =  now; te  =  all of them; ye  =  who; mam  =  me; vyakarshan  =  were dragging; pasa-panayah  =  with ropes in their hands. Was this a dream I saw, or was it reality? I saw fearsome men with ropes in their hands coming to arrest me and drag me away. Where have they gone? To be continued  ...

Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2.29.

Skandham-6. Chapter-2. Slokam-29. soham  vyaktam  patisyami  narake  bhrsa-darune, dharma-ghnah  kamino yatra  vindanti  yama-yatanah. sah  =  such a person;  aham  =  I;  vyaktam  =  it is now clear;  patisyami  =  will fall down;  narake  =  in hell;  bhrsa-darune  =  most miserable;  dharma-ghnah  =  they who break the principles of religion;  kaminah  =  who are too lusty;  yatra—where;  vindanti  =  undergo;  yama-yatanah  =  the miserable conditions imposed by Yamaraja.   It is now clear that as a consequence of such activities, a sinful person like me must be thrown into hellish conditions meant for those who have broken religious principles and must there suffer extreme miseries. To be continued ...

Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2.28.

Skandham-6. Chapter-2. Slokam-28. vrddhav anathau pitarau  nanya-bandhu tapasvinau, aho mayadhuna tyaktav  akrtajnena nicavat. vrddhau  =  old; anathau  =  who had no other person to look after their comforts; pitarau  =  my father and mother; na anya-bandhu  =  who had no other friend; tapasvinau  =  who underwent great difficulties; aho  =  alas; maya  =  by me; adhuna  =  at that moment; tyaktau  =  were given up; akrta-jnena  =  ungrateful; nica-vat  =  like the most abominable low-class person. My father and mother were old and had no other son or friend to look after them. Because I did not take care of them, they lived with great difficulty. Alas, like an abominable lower-class man, I ungratefully left them in that condition. According to Vedic civilization, everyone has the responsibility for taking care ...

Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2.27.

Skandham-6. Chapter-2. Slokam-27. dhin  mam  vigarhitam  sadbhir  dushkrtam  kula-kajjalam, hitva  balam  satim  yo ’ham  sura-pim  asatim  agam. dhik  mam  =  all condemnation upon me; vigarhitam  =  condemned; sadbhih  =  by honest men; dushkrtam  =  who has committed sinful acts; kula-kajjalam  =  who has defamed the family tradition; hitva  =  giving up; balam  =  a young wife; satim  =  chaste; yah  =  who; aham  =  I; surāpīm—with a woman accustomed to drinking wine; asatim  =  unchaste; agam  =  I had sexual intercourse. Alas, all condemnation upon me! I acted so sinfully that I degraded my family tradition. Indeed, I gave up my chaste and beautiful young wife to have sexual intercourse with a fallen prostitute accustomed to drinking wine. All conde...

Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2.26.

Skandham-6. Chapter-2. Slokam-26. aho  me  paramam  kashtam   abhud  avijitatmanah, yena  viplavitam  brahma  vrshalyam  jayatatmana. aho  =  alas; me  =  my; paramam  =  extreme; kashtam  =  miserable condition; abhut  =  became; avijita-atmanah  =  because my senses were uncontrolled; yena  =  by which; viplavitam  =  destroyed; brahma  =  all my brahminical qualifications; vrshalyam  =  through  a maidservant; jayata  =  being born; atmana  =  by me. Ajamila said :  Alas, being a servant of my senses, how degraded I became! I fell down from my position as a duly qualified brahmana and begot children in the womb of a prostitute. To be continued  ...