Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.1. 61 & 62.



Slokam-61 & 62.

Slokam-61. (  The sudra, his arm decorated with turmeric powder, was embracing the prostitute. When Ajamila saw her, the dormant lusty desires in his heart awakened, and in illusion he fell under their control. )

drshtva  tam   kama-liptena  bahuna  parirambhitam,

jagama hrc-chaya-vasam  sahasaiva vimohitah.

drshtva  =  by seeing;

tam  =  her (the prostitute);

kama-liptena  =  decorated with turmeric to incite lusty desires;

bahuna  =  with the arm;

parirambhitam  =  embraced;

jagama  =  went;

hrt-saya  =  of lusty desires within the heart;

vasam  =  under the control;

sahasa  =  suddenly;

eva  =  indeed;

vimohitah  =  being illusioned.

It is said that if one’s body is smeared with turmeric, it attracts the lusty desires of the opposite sex. The word kama-liptena indicates that the sudra was decorated with turmeric smeared on his body.

Slokam-62. ( As far as possible he patiently tried to remember the instructions of the śāstras not even to see a woman. With the help of this knowledge and his intellect, he tried to control his lusty desires, but because of the force of Cupid within his heart, he failed to control his mind.)

stambhayann  atmanatmanam  yavat  sattvam  yatha-srutam,

na  sasaka  samadhatum   mano  madana-vepitam.

stambhayan  =  trying to control;

atmana  =  by the intelligence;

atmanam  =  the mind;

yavat  sattvam  =   as far as possible for him;

yatha-srutam  =  by remembering the instruction (of celibacy, brahmacarya, not even to see a woman);

na  =  not;

sasaka  =  was able;

samadhatum  =  to restrain;

manah  =  the mind;

madana-vepitam  =  agitated by Cupid or lusty desire.

Unless one is very strong in knowledge, patience and proper bodily, mental and intellectual behavior, controlling one’s lusty desires is extremely difficult. Thus after seeing a man embracing a young woman and practically doing everything required for sex life, even a fully qualified brāhmaṇa, as described above, could not control his lusty desires and restrain himself from pursuing them. Because of the force of materialistic life, to maintain self-control is extremely difficult unless one is specifically under the protection of the Supreme Personality of Godhead through devotional service.

To be continued  ....


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