Srimad Bhagavatham : 6.2.11.
Skandham-6. Chapter-2. Slokam-11. na nishkrtair uditair brahma-vadibhis tatha visuddhyaty aghavan vratadibhih yatha harer nama-padair udahrtais tad uttamasloka-gunopalambhakam. na = not; nishkrtaih = by the processes of atonement; uditaih = prescribed; brahma-vadibhih = by learned scholars such as Manu; tatha = to that extent; visuddhyati = becomes purified; agha-van = a sinful man; vrata-adibhih = by observing the vows and regulative principles; yatha = as; hareh = of Lord Hari; nama-padaih = by the syllables of the holy name; udahrtaih = chanted; tat = that; uttamasloka = of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; guna = of the transcendental qualities; upalambhakam = reminding one. By follo...