Skandham-5. Chapter-1. Slokam-8:

Thinking himself a king, King Rahügaëa was in the bodily conception and
was influenced by material nature's modes of passion and ignorance. Due to
madness, he chastised Jaòa Bharata with uncalled-for and contradictory words.
Jaòa Bharata was a topmost devotee and the dear abode of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. Although considering himself very learned, the King
did not know about the position of an advanced devotee situated in devotional
service, nor did he know his characteristics. Jaòa Bharata was the residence of
the Supreme Personality of Godhead; he always carried the form of the Lord
within his heart. He was the dear friend of all living beings, and he did not
entertain any bodily conception. He therefore smiled and spoke the following

The distinction between a person in the bodily conception and a person
beyond the bodily conception is presented in this verse. In the bodily
conception, King Rahügaëa considered himself a king and chastised Jaòa
Bharata in so many unwanted ways. Being self-realized, Jaòa Bharata, who was
fully situated on the transcendental platform, did not at all become angry;
instead, he smiled and began to deliver his teachings to King Rahügaëa. A
highly advanced Vaiñëava devotee is a friend to all living entities, and
consequently he is a friend to his enemies also. In fact, he does not consider
anyone to be his enemy. Suhådaù sarva-dehinäm [SB 3.25.21]. Sometimes a
Vaiñëava becomes superficially angry at a nondevotee, but this is good for the
nondevotee. We have several examples of this in Vedic literature. Once
Närada became angry with the two sons of Kuvera, Nalaküvara and Maëigréva,
and he chastised them by turning them into trees. The result was that later
they were liberated by Lord Çré Kåñëa. The devotee is situated on the absolute
platform, and when he is angry or pleased, there is no difference, for in either
case he bestows his benediction.


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