SRIMAD MAHABHAGAVATHAM : 3.2 - Swami Krishnananda.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, August 18, 2021. 7 : 05. AM. CHAPTER-3 : Kapila’s Instructions to Devahuti - 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We also have in our scriptures the description of the Mahapurusha, Purushottama. Ato’smi loke vede ca prathita? puru?ottama? (B.G. 15.18), says Bhagavan Sri Krishna in the Bhagavadgita. We cannot describe Him in any other manner except as Purushottama, the best of all purushas. Here the word ‘purusha’ does not connote a male being, but means an inclusiveness of all particulars, bereft of the distinction of male and female. We cannot say whether God is male or female, because that majesty is so complete that we cannot describe God section-wise or partially in terms of social connotations. How does Maharishi Kapila describe the majesty of ...