Skandham-6. Chapter-1. Slokam-12 ( O, King, if a diseased person eats the pure, uncontaminated food prescribed by a physician, he is gradually cured, and the infection of disease can no longer touch him. Similarly, if one follows the regulative principles of knowledge, he gradually progresses toward liberation from material contamination. ) nasnatah pathyam evannam vyadhayobhibhavanti hi, evam niyamakrd rajan sanaih kshemaya kalpate. na=not; sanatah=those who eat; pathyam=suitable; eva=indeed; annam=food; vyadhayah=different types of disease; abhibhavanti=overcome; hi=indeed; evam=similarly; niyama-krt=one following regulative principles; rajan=O King; sanaih=gradually; kshemaya=for well-being; kalpate=becomes fit. One is gra...