"Kapila's Instructions on the Execution:"
Skandham-3.2, Chapter-28. Slokam-1 to 44. Kapila's Instructions on the Execution: --------------------------------------------------- (1) The Supreme Lord said: 'I will now describe to you, o royal daughter, the original of the yoga-system, practicing which the mind for sure will become joyful and attain the path of the Absolute Truth. (2) Respecting one's own duties to the best of one's ability and avoiding duties meant for others, one should live up to the feet of the spiritual teacher [the self-realized soul] in satisfaction over what is achieved. (3) Ceasing with conventional duties and in attraction to righteous duties of salvation, eating little and pure, always living in seclusion, one is dwelling at ease. (4) Nonviolent, truthful and free from unrighteous acquisition, possessing as much as one needs, in celibacy and austerity, cleanliness and study of the Veda's one should honor the Original Personality. (5) In silence w...