
Showing posts from May, 2013

"Kapila's Instructions on the Execution:"

Skandham-3.2, Chapter-28. Slokam-1 to 44.   Kapila's Instructions on the Execution: --------------------------------------------------- (1) The Supreme Lord said: 'I will now describe to you, o royal daughter, the original of the yoga-system, practicing which the mind for sure will become joyful and attain the path of the Absolute Truth. (2) Respecting one's own duties to the best of one's ability and avoiding duties meant for others, one should live up to the feet of the spiritual teacher [the self-realized soul] in satisfaction over what is achieved. (3) Ceasing with conventional duties and in attraction to righteous duties of salvation, eating little and pure, always living in seclusion, one is dwelling at ease. (4) Nonviolent, truthful and free from unrighteous acquisition, possessing as much as one needs, in celibacy and austerity, cleanliness and study of the Veda's one should honor the Original Personality. (5) In silence w...

"Understanding Material Nature"

Skandham-3.2 Chapter-27. Slokam- 1 to 30.   Understanding Material Nature : -------------------------------------------- (1) The Supreme Lord [as Kapila] said: 'Not being of change, not claiming proprietorship, is the living entity, although residing in a material body, not affected by the modes of material nature; just like the sun, who stays unaffected from being reflected in water. (2) When this very living entity is absorbed by false ego in the modes of material nature, is the individual soul bewildered, thus thinking: 'I am the doer'. (3) Because of faulty actions, following his association with material nature, he from this helplessly undergoes the path of repeated birth and death in discontent, being born from different wombs [or species], living a good or a bad life or a mixture of these. (4) Although he actually does not exist but from the real cause, does it - the contemplating of the objective of the material existence of the living entity - not ceas...

"Fundamental Principles of Material Nature :"

Skandham-3.2       Chapter 26       Slokam- 1 to  72.      Fundamental Principles of Material Nature : ------------------------------------------------------------------           (1) The Supreme Lord said: 'Now I will describe to you the different categories of reality, knowing which anyone can be released from the modes of material nature. (2) What is said to be the spiritual knowledge, that is for a person the ultimate perfection of selfrealization, I will explain to you, as that is what cuts the knots in the heart. (3) The supreme soul of the original person is beginningless, transcendental to the modes of nature in the beyond and is everywhere perceivable as the self-effulgent of the entire creation that He maintains. (4) That very, greatest of the great person quite out of His own will accepted as His pa...

"The Glories of Devotional Service ":

          Skandham-3.2 Chapter-25. Slokam-1 to 44.  The Glories of Devotional Service : ----------------------------------------------   (1) S'rî S'aunaka said: "Although unborn Himself, did the Supreme Lord, personally by His own potency take birth as Lord Kapila, the analyst of the ultimate truth, in order to disseminate transcendental knowledge for the human race. (2) Indeed hearing about Him, the greater of whom cannot be found among men, the foremost of all yogîs and the godhead of the Vedas, are my senses sated. (3) Please describe me faithfully whatever the praiseworthy is that the Supreme Lord so full of the delight of the soul by His internal potency does."   (4) Sûta said: ''Being a friend of Vyâsadeva did the worshipful Maitreya then spoke as follows to Vidura, as he was pleased being asked about the transcendental knowledge. (5) Maitreya said: ' When the father had left for the forest, stayed Lord Kapila beh...

"The Renunciation of Kardama Muni "

    Skandham-3.2   Chapter-24.   Slokam- 1 to 47.    The Renunciation of Kardama Muni : ----------------------------------------------   (1) Maitreya said: 'The merciful praiseworthy sage who was thus speaking of renunciation to the daughter of Manu replied of what he recalled that was said by Lord Vishnu. (2) The sage said: 'Do not be disappointed, o princess; setting yourself thus towards the Supreme Lord, o praiseworthy one, He will infallibly come very soon into your womb. (3) May God bless you, who took up the sacred vows of sense-control, religious observance and austerities, the giving of money in charity and the worship of the Lord above with great faith. (4) He, worshiped by you will spread my fame; He, as your son, will cut the knot in your heart teaching the knowledge of the all-pervading spirit [Brahman]'.   (5) Maitreya said: 'Devahûti close in her great respect for the direction of this father of mankind h...

"Devahûti's Lamentation :"

  Skandham-3.2 Chapter-23. Slokam-1 to 57.   Devahûti's Lamentation :   (1) Maitreya said: 'After the departure of the parents did the chaste woman, understanding the desires of her husband, constantly serve her spouse with great love, like Pârvatî did with S'iva, her Lord. (2) Intimately, with a pure soul, great respect and sense-control she served with love and sweet words, o Vidura. (3) Forsaking lust, pride, envy, greed, sinful actions and vanity she always pleased her powerful spouse sanely and dilligently. (4-5) He, surely being the foremost of the divine rishi's, the husband of whom she, the daughter of Manu fully devoted expected greater blessings than from providence, saw that she grew weak and emaciated from the protracted religious observance and with a of love stammering voice he, overcome by compassion, spoke to her. (6) Kardama said: 'At present I am pleased with you, o respectful daughter of Manu, because of your most excellent sup...
     Skandham-3.2     Chapter-22. Slokam- 1 to 39.   The marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahûti:- -------------------------------------------------------------------   (1) Maitreya said: 'After the sage this way had described the greatness of the virtues and activities of Emperor Manu did he fall silent. The Emperor feeling somewhat modest addressed him. (2) Manu said: 'Lord Brahmâ created you people, in your being connected in penance, knowledge and yoga and being turned away from sense gratification, after his own image, to his own interest expanding himself into the form of the Vedas. (3) To protect that created he, the thousand legged father, us as His thousands of arms; for the brahmins are his heart and the kshatriyas [the rulers] are spoken of as his arms. (4) Therefore do the brahmins and the kshatriyas factually protect one another as well as themselves as does God, He who is both cause and effect but is immutable, prote...

"21. The Conversation Between Manu and Kardama"

  Skandham-3.2 Chapter-21. Slokam- 1 to 56.  The Conversation Between Manu and Kardama   (1) Vidura said: 'O supreme one, be so good to describe the most esteemed dynasty of Svâyambhuva Manu, of which sexual intercourse the progeny multiplied. (2) Priyavata and Uttânapâda, the two sons of Svâyambhuva Manu, verily ruled the world consisting of the seven continents, according the principles of religion. (3) Of that Manu was thus known Devahûti, o brahmin, as the wife of the father of men that you spoke of [ see 3.12:27 ] as Kardama Muni, o sinless one. (4) Can you tell me, eager as I am, the story about how the many offspring of Kardama Muni, who was in fact a great mystic yogî endowed with the eight perfections [see 3.15.45], was conceived from her? (5) And how did the worshipful Ruci, o brahmin, and Daksha, the son of Brahmâ, generate offspring after securing as their wives the two other daughters of Svâyambhuva Manu?'   (6) Maitreya said: 'Lord B...

"Chapter- 20 : The beings created from Brahmâ

          Skandham-3.2, The Status Quo: Chapter- 20 : The beings created from Brahmâ Slokam-1 to 53.   (1) Saunaka said: "Having restored the position of the earth, o Sûta, what did Svayambhuva Manu (see 2.7:2, 3.12:54, 3.13:2 ) do to show those to be born the path? (2) Vidura, the great unalloyed devotee and intimate friend of Lord Krishna, was abandoned by his elder brother [Dhritarâstra] who was thus, along with his hundred sons, a great offender of Krishna. (3) Born from the body of Vyâsa and in no way inferior to him in greatness, he with all his heart took shelter of Lord Krishna and followed those devoted to Him. (4) What did this hero of purity visiting the holy places ask Maitreya, the foremost knower of the spiritual life, whom he had met at Kusavarta [Hardwar] where he resided? (5) When the two had their conversation, o Sûta, did verily the spotless narrations arise that like the waters of the Ganges vanquish all sins once...